Parent Resources
- Attendance
- Cafeteria
- Communication
- Dismissal
- Home Access Center
- Health Room
- Transportation
- Parent Apps
- Registration
- Schedule
- Student/Parent Handbook
- Visitors
- Additional Resources
- Other Information
Daily Schedule
- Our school day hours are from 8:35 AM - 3:05 PM daily.
- Any student arriving at or after 8:35 AM must be accompanied by a parent and report to the office to sign in.
- Parent drop off ends at 8:30 AM. If arriving after that time, please park in a marked parking space and accompany your child to the building.
Early Dismissal Days
On county-wide early dismissal days (2 hours, 45 minutes early), dismissal will begin at 12:20 p.m.
Student Absences
If your child is absent, please send an email to the school at or send a note with your child upon their return to school. The note/email should contain the dates of the absence, reason for the absence, the student’s name and the teacher’s name. If a reason for the absence is not provided, the absence will remain unverified.
Please try to plan family trips and/or vacations during scheduled school breaks.
For a complete list of early dismissals, holidays and school closures, please use link below:
To help maintain the safety of our students, parents and visitors may not attend recess.
Eligible households should still apply for meal benefits at One application can be completed for the entire household when all members are listed. Parents may apply for benefits at any time during the school year. Eligibility for meal benefits may help families receive additional resources such as free internet service, field trip fee waivers, and P-EBT benefits so it is important to still apply if you meet eligibility guidelines.
Meal benefits from the 2023-2024 school year will expire on October 14, 2024.
MEAL PRICES for 2024-2025
Breakfast: $1.50
Lunch: $2.50
In the rare event that a student forgets their money or does not have any money on their account, CCPS will allow each student to charge up to two days of breakfasts and lunches. Beyond the two days, the student will be served a complimentary meal of a sandwich and side items until repayment is made. Students must have cash or money on their account to purchase a second meal (breakfast or lunch) or any a la carte items as these cannot be charged. Thanks to the generous donations of businesses and individuals in Carroll County, all previous meal debt has been eliminated, so no child in Carroll County will begin the school year with a negative balance.
Food choices offered to students include multiple entrees, fresh fruits and vegetables (purchased locally when available), whole grain breads and rolls, and flavored and unflavored milk. Although students select the foods that they want, they must take a minimum number of items for a breakfast and a lunch. At least one of their choices must be a fruit or vegetable. Menus are posted on the website. Meals are analyzed to meet federal nutritional requirements. Interactive menus and nutritional information are available online! Visit or download the Nutrislice app for your iOS or Android device.
Cafeterias have computerized cash registers. Students enter their Personal Identification Number (PIN) and proceed to the cashier.
Students who wish to purchase a second meal or snack items not included in their meal, use cash or money placed “on their account.” Parents can deposit money on their student's account by sending cash or a check to school with their child or by using an online payment service at Money remains on your child’s account until they graduate or leave CCPS.
Communication Practices
We strive to respond to all email inquiries within 24-hours, excluding weekends and holidays. All staff emails are available via our school's website.
1. Please contact your child's classroom teacher via phone or email.
2. If your question/concern cannot be resolved by contacting your child's teacher, please contact school administration via phone or email.
For all general inquiries, please email
Missed a call from school?
Staff will always leave a voicemail when attempting to contact you. Please listen to the message before returning the missed call. Please regularly check to make sure your voicemail box is not full.
School Messenger
CCPS and LSE communicate with families through the School Messenger platform. Parent/Guardian emails and phone numbers assigned to a student will receive email blasts. If you are not receiving any emails, please contact the school's office staff.
Dismissal Notes
Please be patient with us as we safely navigate arrival and dismissal the first week of school.
For the safety of our students and staff we kindly ask:
- Students choose one of the following options only, Bus Rider, Car Rider or on-site/van Daycare ONLY.
- Please DO NOT drop or pick up a student AT THE FRONT OFFICE unless arranged by the nurse or an emergency situation.
- Please avoid late arrivals and early pickups as much as possible to minimize classroom disruptions.
Students arriving late MUST be brought to the front office by a parent and signed in for the day. They will be marked tardy for that day.
- Parents MUST sign any child out as an early dismissal out by 2:50 p.m. in order to avoid our bus and parent pick up traffic.
- Any student picked up before 3:05 p.m. will be marked tardy.
- Dismissal notice MUST be provided to the front office by 12:00 p.m. on the day of dismissal by written note OR email to
- REMINDER: Photo ID is required to sign out your child. If someone other than parent/guardian is picking up your child, written permission in the form of a note or email is required before we are able to release that student.
Home Access Center
Teacher assignments will be available August 15th, in the Home Access Center.
We encourage EVERY parent to set up and access their student's HOME ACCESS CENTER account.
You will use the Home Access Center to:
- Find your student's teacher (assignments available August 15, 2024)
- Find your student's email address and password (can be found on the Registration Tab of the Home Access Center)
- Access your 3rd-5th grade student's assignments and grades
- Verify your students Attendance reports - any discrepancies can be emailed to
The Home Access Center:
For more information about Home Access Center please refer to this User Guide & FAQ document: Guides-2.pdf (
Health Room
- News From The Nurse's Suite
- Student Medication Drop Off
- Health Room Information
- When To Keep Your Child Home
- Forms
News From The Nurse's Suite
Kindergarten Parents:
All immunizations and medical forms (Physical Health Assessment, Dental and Lead certificate) are now due. If your student is missing forms, Ms. Twigg will be in contact.
Some tips from our nurse:
- Get your flu vaccine.
- Wash your hands with soap and water-before and after meals/snacks, using the rest room, playing outside, and coughing /sneezing. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds to thoroughly clean them.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. Germs spread when a person touches a contaminated surface and then touches his or her eyes, nose, or mouth.
- Cover your cough and sneeze with a tissue. Flu viruses spread through droplets made when people cough, sneeze or talk.
- Stay home when you are sick. Students should stay home when they are sick. They must be fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication before returning to school. Students need to be free from vomiting/diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to school. This will help stop the spread of illness to other staff members and students.
- Practice other good health habits: exercise daily; eat a healthy diet of fruits, vegetables and high in fiber; drink plenty of fluids.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces at home.
Please remember if your child is diagnosed with strep throat or conjunctivitis, they need to remain at home for 24 hours after their first dose of their antibiotic. If your child goes home early due to a fever or vomiting from school, they need to be fever free (without the use of fever reducing medication such as Tylenol or ibuprofen) and no vomiting for 24 hours before returning to school. Your child will be sent home if they return to school the next day after being sent home due to either of these.
Student Medication Drop Off
Medication for use during the 2024-25 school year can be dropped at the school on the following days:
Monday, August 26th from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Tuesday, August 27th from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Thursday, August 29th from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. and
Friday, August 30th from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Please be sure that medications are in the original container with the doctor’s orders for use.
Medications for Students While in School
If possible, alternative plans should be made to avoid the administration of medication in school. Parents are encouraged to consult their physician to discuss the possibility of administering medication either before or after school. If alternative plans cannot be made, parental consent and instructions must be given before the school can administer any medication. Please note the following medication procedures.
CCPS Medication Form:
All medications (prescription and over the counter-including Tylenol and ibuprofen) must have a doctor's order and parent permission to be administered at school. A CCPS Medication Form needs to be signed by the doctor and the parent for the student to be given the medication school.
Students are not permitted to transport medication to or from school. Any student that transports medication to school is in violation of the CCPS Drug and Alcohol policy.
The following are the ONLY Medications that DO NOT require doctor's orders:
- Non-medicated cough drops (Ludens or any cough drops that contain Pectin only-if the cough drops indicate a limit per day, they will need a doctor's order)
- Sunscreen
- Non-Medicated Lip Balm
- Saline Nasal Spray
- Glucose Tabs
- Individually-Sized Waterless Hand Sanitizer
- Salt Tabs
- Hand Creams/Lotions
Health Room Information
Important Information from the Health Room
Extra Clothes:
All students should have an extra change of clothes (seasonally appropriate) in their locker/book bag at school. There is a limited supply of clean clothes in the health room and most children feel more comfortable in clothes from home. Accidents and spills occur frequently, requiring a change of clothes.
Remember to replenish your child's extra clothing at school. Please send in clothes that are appropriate for the season as well as the correct size. An extra pair of shoes and underwear is always a good idea. Accidents and spills occur frequently requiring a change of clothes.
Please call the school office (410-751-3280) if you need assistance with school supplies.
Water Bottles:
Students should bring a water bottle from home to stay hydrated during the day.
When To Keep Your Child Home
Should your child become sick, we ask that you keep them home, as we do not want to spread germs to other students. If you are unsure whether you should keep your child home, you can call the school nurse (Mrs.Twigg @ 410-751-3280). Listed below are some guidelines you may wish to following when deciding to keep your child home.
Fever - A temperature of 100 degrees or more. Due to new regulations, parents must keep children home during the course of a fever and for an additional 24 hours after the fever has passed.
Ear Infection - this is an inflammation of the middle ear. Symptoms could include pain, fever, dizziness, or headache. Hearing loss can occur if untreated, you should contact your family physician if symptoms are present.
Conjunctivitis or Pink Eye - This is highly contagious and uncomfortable. Symptoms might include eyes burning, itching, pink discoloration to the eye, and a whitish discharge. Contact your physician when symptoms are present. Students need to be on the antibiotic for 24 hours (after the first dose is administered) before returning to school. The student’s eye should be free from any active drainage as well. Your child will need to be symptom free or a doctor's certificate is required before returning.
Strep Throat - This is a highly contagious condition that is caused by a bacterial infection (streptococcal). Symptoms usually present are sore throat and fever. Strep can only be diagnosed by a culture, so you will need to contact your physician if symptoms are present. If your child is diagnosed with strep, they will need to be on antibiotics for 24 hours and may return to school with a doctor's certificate.
Cold Symptoms - Some children suffer from the common cold all winter long, and a simple cold should not be a reason to miss school. However, should a fever develop, a bad cough, difficulty breathing, or your child becomes dehydrated you should contact your physician as those symptoms could indicate a more serious condition (i.e. Bronchitis, flu, or even pneumonia). If your child has one of these other conditions, they should be kept home until the doctor says it is ok to return.
Diarrhea and Vomiting - This is uncomfortable, and being near a bathroom becomes a top priority. If these symptoms persist, you should contact your physician.
Remember, students are not allowed to carry medication to or from school as this is a violation of Carroll County School's Drug and Alcohol policy.
Pink Eye
Conjunctivitis is an infection of the eye, more commonly known as "pink eye". Symptoms may include redness, irritation, itchiness, and may produce lots of tears and discharge (clear or yellow). Discharge may make the eyelids and eyelashes stick together (especially in the morning). The tears and discharge from the eye are infectious. Anyone can get conjunctivitis by coming in contact with infectious discharge and rubbing their own eyes. It is School Board policy that students are to be excluded from school if suspected of having conjunctivitis until they are free of symptoms or have permission from a Doctor to return to school. We ask that you keep your child home, as per policy, if you suspect they have conjunctivitis. Please instruct them to wash their hands, avoid touching other's eyes, avoid touching infectious materials, throw away items that have been in contact with their eyes (i.e. towels or tissues), and not to share items used on the eyes. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your School Nurse, Allison Twigg at 410-751-3280.
Head Lice
Once a student has been noted as having Head Lice, their parents are contacted and the child is removed from school. That child is not to return to school until they have been treated. Upon the student's return, they must be checked by the School Nurse. You should check your child periodically for Head Lice. If you find Head Lice on your child, you should contact the School Nurse. Listed below is some information on Head Lice.
- Lice is a Human Parasite that feeds on the scalp.
- Nits are the eggs.
- Lice spread by direct contact with an infested person. Never share hair items, hats, coats, clothing, etc., or lay on an infested mattress, carpet, or furniture.
- Lice are a wingless insect, they can not fly. They can not jump but, they can crawl.
- Lice must have Human blood to survive so, they can only live off the human body about 48-52 hours.
- In addition to using the treatment, you will need to do the following:
- Lice can be treated with specially medicated shampoos for example RID, NIX, Clear, and others.
- Symptoms related to Lice infestation could include head scratching, bite marks, redness on the scalp, swollen glands (neck), and or the presence of nits or the louse.
- Wash all clothing and bed linen
- Vacuum the entire house including furniture
- Disinfect all hair grooming items including scrunchies, barrettes, and ponytail holders
- Bag up all stuffed animals in a tightly sealed bag for 2 weeks, or machine wash
- Place pillows in the drier on the hot cycle
- Vacuum your automobiles
Please contact your School Nurse if you have questions.
General Forms and Information
Auto-injector Epinephrine and Antihistamine Medication Form
Carroll County Head Lice Procedures
Public Information Sharing: The Dangers of Energy Drinks
Forms Needed For PreK Students
Physical Exam - Health Assessment Form
MD Blood Lead Testing Certificate
Student Enrollment Health Questionnaire
Health and Immunization Requirements
Forms Needed For Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten Registration Medical Forms
All Kindergarten students must have 2 varicella(chicken pox) and 2MMR
(Measles, mumps and rubella) vaccinations prior to starting kindergarten.
Transportation Form
- You should have received an email from CCPS asking you to verify and/or provide transportation for your elementary aged students.
- Only the primary parent for each child will receive the email. This prevents multiple people from trying to fill the form out.
- You will receive a separate email for each elementary aged child you have enrolled in CCPS. You will need to respond separately to each email.
- You will be able to view bus routes for bus number and stop description both on the CCPS website and Infofinderi. Links to both will be provided in the county email.
- It is extremely important that you watch for the email(s) and respond promptly so that we have accurate arrival and dismissal information on each child before the start of the school year. If you do not get the email on August 2nd, August 9th, or August 16th, please check your junk/spam folders to be sure it didn’t go to one of those folders. All forms must be submitted by August 18th.
- Getting your child to and from school is an absolute safety priority for our school’s staff, so having accurate information is critical. If you have difficulty, please contact the school office. Thank you for helping us ensure smooth transportation for all children.
For the safety of our students and staff, we kindly ask:
- Students choose one of the following options only, Bus Rider, Car Rider, or on-site/van Daycare ONLY.
- Please DO NOT drop or pick up a student AT THE FRONT OFFICE unless arranged by the nurse or an emergency situation.
- Please avoid late arrivals and early pickups as much as possible to minimize classroom disruptions.
Late Arrivals
Students arriving late must be brought to the front office by a parent and signed in for the day. They will be marked tardy for that day.
Early Dismissals
- Parents must sign any child out as an early dismissal by 2:50 p.m., in order to avoid our bus and parent pick up traffic.
- Any student picked up before 3:05 p.m. will be marked tardy.
- Dismissal notice must be provided to the front office by 1:00 p.m. on the day of dismissal by written note OR email to
- REMINDER: Photo ID is required to sign out your child. If someone other than parent/guardian is picking up your child, written permission in the form of a note or email is required before we are able to release that student.
Car Riders
f you plan to transport your student as a car rider, please read carefully and follow all instructions.
Each family that indicates car rider on the CCPS transportation form will receive an LSE sign with your student(s) name(s). This sign must be displayed during pick-up in the afternoon.
- Morning drop off runs from 8:05 AM - 8:30 AM
- Afternoon dismissal begins at 3:05 PM
- GO SLOW on the LSE Campus!
- All car riders will receive an LSE sign with your child's last name.
- When picking up a child as a car rider, please have your car rider sign visible in your window or dash.
- Please follow the car rider traffic flow (see below) and be patient, the safety of our students is our first priority.
- School staff will be present during arrival to welcome students. Staff will enter the school at 8:30AM to prepare for the start of the day at 8:35AM. If staff are not present, please park and accompany your child into school.
- In an effort to keep the line moving, parents are asked to remain in their vehicles and allow children to get out of the cars independently using the door on the school building side of the vehicle.
- Please follow the directions of those assisting with the flow of traffic on campus.
- Buses ALWAYS have the right of way on campus.
Thank you for your support in ensuring the best interests of our students’ safety.
Bus Riders
We highly encourage our students to ride the bus! School buses continue to be the easiest and safest mode of transporting students and our bus drivers are the very best!
Starting on August 2nd, please find your bus number, bus stop, and times at the below site:
Please remember that the first few days, buses may be late or early as the bus drivers become accustomed to the route times and we establish our dismissal procedures. All students will be picked up at a designated bus stop provided by the Transportation Department.
School bus policy allows each student one AM bus stop and one PM bus stop. Video/audio cameras are placed on school buses to protect students and staff. They provide for and encourage a safe and orderly environment. The privacy of students and the recordings are kept secure and are reviewed only by authorized CCPS personnel.
Parent Apps
Prekindergarten Registration
The Carroll County Public Schools’ Pre-Kindergarten is a program for students who meet the eligibility requirement below.
Children who reside in Carroll County, are 4 years old on or before September 1 of the school year in which the child applies, and qualify under the Federal Poverty Guidelines, are homeless or in foster care are eligible for enrollment into Pre-Kindergarten.
Who is eligible for Carroll County Public Schools' Pre-Kindergarten Program?
• There is no cost to parents who meet the eligibility requirements.
• Children of families who qualify under the Free and Reduced Meal income guidelines.
• Children who are homeless.
• Children in foster care.
• All eligible children must be residents of Carroll County.
• All eligible children must be 4-years-old on or before September 1st.
• If Pre-K spaces are available, CCPS may enroll additional children who have school readiness needs.
Did You Know...
• Transportation is provided to most students.
• Either breakfast or lunch is offered depending on the time of the class.
• Classes start the Monday after Labor Day and meet five days a week for 2 1/2 hours a day EXCEPT for Elmer Wolfe and Cranberry Station (both are full day programs) and on early dismissal dates.
Interested in Pre-K for your child?
• Visit the CCPS website to register online.
• For additional questions contact: CCPS Department of Curriculum and Instructional Resources 410-751-3101.
• For Interpretation Services call: 410-386-1699.
• For Parent Resources contact: The Judy Center at 410-751-3613.
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten Registration - Packets Available At Our Front Entrance
Kindergarten registration packets will be available daily for pick up from 7:00am until 6:00pm outside our front entrance. Please fill out all documents clearly and have appropriate proof of residence and proof of birth documents. Do NOT sign the enrollment form. Your signature needs to be witnessed, in person, by school personnel after verifying your ID. If needed, we can make copies of your documents during your registration appointment. Once you have completed the forms and have all the required documents, please schedule an appointment by using the link provided in the packet.
Please arrive on time for your appointment.
Enrollment in kindergarten is mandatory for children who will be five years of age on or before September 1, 2023.
Students may only be registered by their biological parents or court appointed guardian.
Documentation that must be presented to register a student is:
A. Legal Proof of Age
Birth certificate
Birth registration notice
Physician’s certificate-signed statement by physician or midwife in attendance at birth as to the date shown on their records.
Baptismal or church certification
Hospital certificate – gives child’s full name, parent’s(s) name, DOB, signed by physician.
B. Proof of Residency
Recent Bill for a service delivered to the residence (e.g., BGE, land-line phone, cable, oil, water) *
Mortgage Statement/Bill *
SIGNED Settlement Document
Property Tax Bill from the current fiscal year indicating “Primary Residence”
Deed (must show house number, street name and name of parent/legal guardian)
SIGNED Lease/Rental Agreement on a home/apartment in which the parent/legal guardian is currently residing (expired lease is not acceptable)
Current Rent Receipt
Residence Verification Statement accompanied by an acceptable proof of residency for the owner/ lessee of the property.
C. Proof of Immunizations
Clinic record or Physician Office record
DHMH 896 ( Immunization Record for the State of Maryland)
Other State Official Immunization records
Official School Records
Please email Joan Spindler with additional registration questions.
Student Registration
1st - 5th Student Registration
To register or transfer your child to Linton Springs Elementary, parents should email our LSE registrar, Joan Spindler at for more information on what documents are required for registration.
Daily Schedule
- Our school day hours are from 8:35 AM - 3:05 PM daily.
- Any student arriving at or after 8:35 AM must be accompanied by a parent and report to the office to sign in.
- Parent drop off ends at 8:30 AM. If arriving after that time, please park in a marked parking space and accompany your child to the building.
Early Dismissal Days
On county-wide early dismissal days (2 hours, 45 minutes early), dismissal will begin at 12:20 p.m.
Student/Parent Handbook
Carroll County Public Schools Student Handbook
Carroll County Public Schools Student Services Manual
Carroll County Public Schools Student Code of Conduct
Permission to photograph, videotape or audiotape as well as use of student work in publications or on websites.
- You must complete volunteer training EVERY school year if you plan on attending field trips, working with students in classrooms, or helping with any school activity.
- Volunteer training is completed online. Please go to Volunteer Program - Carroll County Public School District ( to complete your training.
- Complete your training early to allow for sufficient time for approval. If you are not approved in the system, you will not be able to volunteer.
Below are the guidelines to follow regarding visitors in the building:
- Visitors will ring the main entrance buzzer.
- Visitors will be asked to give their name and purpose for visiting. Visitor appointments will be verified.
- Visitors will be asked to report to the office to sign in.
- Visitors will be asked to show photo identification.
- Visitors will be issued a visitor’s badge, including the visitation area. Please do not visit undesignated areas in the building.
- Prior to leaving the building, visitors must scan their badge and sign out.
- We appreciate your cooperation in helping us to make Linton Springs a safe and secure place for students.
Additional Resources
Portable Electronic Devices
UPDATED for 2024-25 School Year
During the July 2024 CCPS Board of Education meeting, the Administrative Regulations for Board Policy JICJ: Portable Electronic Devices were updated.
We recognize and respect that whether or not a student has a personally owned portable electronic device is a family decision. Students are not required or expected to bring their own device to school. Students may bring their personally owned devices to schools, as long as they abide by these regulations. Student misuse of his or her device shall result in disciplinary action. Families are expected to work collaboratively with school staff to support the implementation of these regulations. Parents who need to make emergency contact with their child during the school day shall contact the school’s main office.
Students in Elementary School
1. Devices must be silenced and stored (out of sight) upon entry to the school until exit from the school. It is highly recommended that elementary students do not bring personally owned portable electronic devices to school or on the school bus.
2. No portable electronic device shall be used to record, store, or transmit any type of image, sound, or video except for approved instructional activities utilizing CCPS-provided devices with the express permission of school staff.
3. The audible notification sounds and volume of personally owned portable electronic devices shall be silenced or directed through headphones on school buses. It is highly recommended that elementary students do not bring personally owned portable electronic devices to school or on the school bus.
4. Disciplinary action, as outlined in the Carroll County Public Schools student services manual, shall be taken when a student fails to follow the directions of a staff member regarding portable electronic devices or if a preponderance of evidence exists that the student has violated the terms of the acceptable use procedures and guidelines or other school policy.
Student Laptops
Student Laptop Agreement
*NEW THIS YEAR* Only students in grades 3-5 will be assigned a laptop at the start of the school year. Parents are required to sign a new Student Laptop Agreement (SLA) every school year. Starting on August 16th, an email containing the SLA will be sent to the primary parent/guardian listed for all students. Note: if the primary guardian does not have an email address, the app will send the email to the secondary guardian contact. Forms not completed electronically, can be completed via a paper agreement at school.
We will have paper SLAs available during our Open House and Back to School Night events. During this time, parents may wish to look at the laptop before signing.
Distance Learning
Learning can extend beyond the classroom walls. A site created by CCPS to assist parents and students find the resources they need from at home support, tech tutorials, distance learning to health information.
Family support for CCPS devices only, please fill out the CCPS Family Support Web Form.
For any distance learning issues you may be experiencing, most answers can be found in the Distance Learning section of the CCPS Family Resources site:
For any unresolved issues, please be sure to communicate closely with your student(s) teachers.
Homework Help
Students who need help in the evenings have some resources they can access. By clicking on the Destiny icon, students can see all of our databases that are available for research. A brochure with the usernames and passwords was included in the office newsletter in September.
The Carroll County Public Library has made free tutoring services available to all Carroll County Public School students through BrainFuse. Information is as follows:
1. Time available: 2pm-11pm; 7 days per week
2. Requirements: Internet, Carroll County Public Library Card (register for free here).
3. Mode: 1-on-1 through chat and whiteboard
4. Cost: Free
5. Additional information on BrainFuse
Common Core
What Parents Need to Know
about the Common Core State Standards
Students with Disabilities and the Common Core State Standards
Other Information
Permission to Photograph, Videotape, or Audiotape
Throughout the school year, the Carroll County Public School System frequently covers school activities and may use your child’s photograph, video image, or voice for educational, informational, or public relations purposes, with or without identification by name.
If you do not wish to have your child’s voice reproduced on tape or to have his/her image appear in such things as a video or a photograph, or on the school or school system website or social media, please notify the school principal in writing. It is assumed that parents and guardians consent to their children being audiotaped, photographed, videotaped, or having their image placed on a school website or social media by the school system, unless such notification is received.
There are also occasions when the media cover certain school events (such as when a government leader visits a school). If you do not wish to have your child’s name or likeness published by the media, you should address your concerns directly to the school involved so that the media is so advised. Please be advised that the school system has no control over the media when they are covering activities such as sporting events and musical programs that are open to the public.
Use of Student Work on Websites or in Publications
There may be times throughout the year when the Carroll County Public School System wishes to display student work on school websites, social media, or in publications. If you do not wish to have your child’s art, poetry, writing, etc. appear on school websites, social media, or in publications, please notify the school principal in writing. It is assumed that parents and guardians consent to their child’s work being displayed on school websites, social media, or in publications unless such notification is received.
The Board of Education of Carroll County does not engage in discrimination that is unlawful or contrary to Maryland State Department of Education guidance on the basis of age, color, genetic information, marital status, mental or physical disability, ancestry or national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.
The Board of Education of Carroll County is firmly committed to creating equal employment and educational opportunities for all persons by providing an environment that supports optimal academic achievement and productive work and is free from any form of unlawful discrimination, including access to school facilities, educational programs, and extracurricular activities.
The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Director of Human Resources, 125 North Court Street, Westminster, Maryland 21157, (410) 751-3070.
The Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) management plans for all buildings owned or leased by the Board of Education of Carroll County are available for review at the individual Carroll County school locations and at Office of Plant Operations, located at 191 Schaeffer Avenue, Westminster, Maryland 21157. Management plans are required by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and depict the location, amount, condition, and response action projected for any asbestos-containing materials, if any are located in the school building.
It is the policy of the Board of Education of Carroll County that all schools are required to have a moment of silence or meditation for approximately one minute each school day. During this moment of silence, the Carroll County Public Schools shall neither advance nor inhibit silent religious activity. Following the pledge of allegiance to the flag and before the completion of the opening exercise, all students will observe approximately one minute of silence, before continuing with the day’s activities. In exercising his or her individual choice, each person may meditate, pray, or engage in any other silent activity which does not interfere with, distract, or impede others in the like exercise of their individual choice. The following is a list of inappropriate activities: (1) talking or any audible sounds, and (2) gesturing, using sign language, or writing notes for the purpose of person to person communication. Administrators shall enact appropriate administrative procedures in the event that individuals do not follow the established policy.
Carroll County Public Schools (CCPS) does not discriminate on the basis of disability in employment or the provision of services, programs or activities. Persons needing auxiliary aids and services for communication should contact the Communications Office at 410-751-3020 or, or write to Carroll County Public Schools, 125 North Court Street, Westminster, Maryland 21157. Persons who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability, may use Relay or 7-1-1. Please contact the school system at least one (1) week in advance of the date the special accommodation is needed.
Information concerning the Americans with Disabilities Act is available from the Director of Facilities Management, (410) 751-3177, or the Communications Officer, (410) 751-3020, 125 North Court Street, Westminster, Maryland 21157.